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Google IO Extended. Katsina

On 6th August, 2022, the team at GDG Katsina, GDSC Al-Qalam University, GDSC FUDMA and GDSC UMYUK held the Google IO Extended, an event channeled to unveil innovations at the Google IO, 2022. The event was held at Lumilab Katsina.

The event comprises a Keynote session, discussing about innovations at Google IO, a Challenge / Brainstorming Session, Showcase Session and most importantly, a Panel session helping the audience got answers to questions they have for crucial issues they face in the local Developer Ecosystem.

The Event was graced by presence of Abu Alee, Mu’utassim Mukhtar, Zainulabideen Abdulazeez, Ishaq Usman Karofi as panelists.

Techiesupdate, Webmable Africa, UTAcademy, Zainnest are some of the startups and companies that were showcased, I must say, these guys are doing great, we look forward to grounds you’ll break.

Seasoned speakers, Ibrahim Bakori, Yusuf Haruna Abubakar Muhammad, Adamu Furah Suleiman Mahe Aminu Musaiyib Yakubu Usman, who shared some insightful pieces of knowledge to the audience. And great contributors, Bashir Bala Abdulmalik Mashi and others, we appreciate you.

The event won’t be possible without the relentless efforts of the organizing team, Mahe Aminu, Adnan Muhammad Mukhtar, Lawal Aminu Saleh, Prince Habeeb

Warm regards to Lumilab for the kind gestures as always.


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